Monday, 3 February 2014

Directing Love's Labour's Lost: Week 3

We've had a lot of productive rehearsals this week and covered a lot of ground, including a run of the whole of Act 4 and work on the opening scene. Just as I was feeling very secure about getting everything thoroughly rehearsed to schedule, I was asked on Wednesday if I'd like to use a different performance space. This is a newly built auditorium with actual dressing rooms, tiered seating and a lighting rig, which is obviously a more appealing option than Jane Holloway Hall (as much as I have a sort of reluctant affection for JHH, I've never liked the idea of the audience having to wait outside in the cold and not having backstage space). However, I still haven't properly seen the space, have no idea of the acoustics and lighting requirements, and a large proportion of the blocking will have to be completely altered. To add to the disruption, nothing is set in stone and I don't even know for definite if my show dates will be the same, when my tech/dress rehearsals will be or how much it's all going to cost.

What with my degree work piling up (which is more important to me at the moment than extra-curricular activities) and other areas of my life proving more stressful than I'd like, it's not easy to keep the momentum of the show going. The photoshoot for the show posters is having to be postponed because everyone's classes clash, and ordering hoodies is being delayed because there might be a change to the venue and show times. 

Despite all the difficulties, I'm having a great time in rehearsals and our film night which was organised with the Shakespeare Committee went really well. We watched the Globe's 2009 production of LLL which could prove problematic because a few members of the cast might tend to try to copy that version - I need to make clear that our concept is completely different, and not to mention the differences between performing in open air and in a smaller indoor space: the acting must be considerably more subtle and have more emotional depth than comic abrasiveness. 

I'm going home on Saturday to get my head together, make some to do lists and power through a lot of work, and hopefully by reading week everything will be organised and ready to start full cast rehearsals.


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